понеділок, 7 листопада 2016 р.

Система уроків

Т. В. Луценко

Система уроків з теми 


Система уроків з теми 


Т. Г. Чувакова – кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри прикладної лінгвістики НДУ ім. М. Гоголя

Л. П. Чміль – вчитель-методист Варвинської ЗОШ I-III ст.

Система уроків з теми Love. Marriage. – Варва, 2011. – 97с.

В посібнику вміщено зразки розробок уроків англійської мови з теми “Love.Marriage.” Мета посібника – допомогти вчителю урізноманітнити структуру і методи уроків, створюючи підставу для самостійної діяльності учнів. Посібник рекомендовано для вчителів англійської мови.

Схвалено радою методичного кабінету від 24 вересня 2011 року
Протокол № 4


Урок 1. What Is Love?.....................................................6
Урок 2. Love. Types of Love……………………………....15
Урок 3. All We Need Is Love……………………………...22
Урок 4. Love. St. Valentines Day………………………...32
Урок 5. Love and Marriage in Our Life…………………...45
Урок 6. Marriage and Its Role for People………………….53
Урок 7. Control Lesson…………………………………….61
Demo Lesson……………………………………………….72
Додаткові матеріали до теми «Кохання. Шлюб»……....84
Список використаної літератури………………………...97


В час, коли Україна зміцнює та розвиває партнерські зв’язки з європейськими та світовими країнами, усе більше зростає потреба формування у школярів знань про країни світу, вміння спілкуватися іноземними мовами та навички самостійної роботи з пошуку та накопичування інформації в різноманітних галузях. Тому оволодіння іноземними мовами визначене як один з пріоритетних напрямків реформування освіти.
    Оскільки мова залишається єдиною універсальною базою мислення, знання іноземної мови слід розглядати з погляду вдосконалення інтелектуальних здібностей (пам’яті, уяви, критичного, логічного, креативного мислення). На основі розвинених інтелектуальних здібностей відбувається процес формування творчих здібностей, бо творчість є найвищим виявом розвитку людського розуму. Завдяки творчій діяльності в дитини розвивається здатність самостійно розвивати свої можливості.
    Творчий вчитель користується різними новітніми технологіями для розвитку творчості учня. Отже, автором були використані різні методи, які є дуже вдалими для розвитку особистості дитини.
     Автор сподівається, що даний навчальний посібник, який певною мірою відображає власний досвід викладання предмету, сприятиме творчому пошуку вчителів поліпшенню методики проведення сучасного уроку.

Love is just like the measles.
We all have to go through it”

(Jerome K. Jerome)

Lesson 1

Topic: What Is Love?

-          Developing students’ language skills, to expand their vocabulary;
-          Developing creativity in writing skills;
-          Forming students’ habits of communication according to the given situation;
-          Teaching to understand and respect other people’s feelings.

Equipment: pictures, cards with proverbs, cards with a poem for filling in gaps.

Procedure of the Lesson

I.        Greeting.

II.    Warming-up activity.
T.: Guess the words on the blackboard and what will be the topic of our lesson today. (What will we talk about?).

F…ing, .ov., emo…., .rien., ro.ant.c, sw..the..t

T.: O.K. Today we’ll speak about love. Read the quotation on the blackboard and say how do you understand it?

(Quotation: “Love is just like the measles.
We all have to go through it”
Jerome K. Jerome).

III. Listening Comprehension.

T.: Love is a very great feeling. A lot of people fall in love every day. As for you, what does love mean?

P1: Love means respect for each other; it makes people kinder, more beautiful. Love is wonderful, people cannot live without love.

P2: It seems there is nothing simpler than love and at the same time, there is nothing more complicated than love. Everybody feels love to mother but it is hard to explain what love is. Try to say what the feeling means and you will see that the words are poor and cover only a part of the whole. Life is full of love but nobody can see that.

P3: We love our parents and relatives, friends and pets; we love our homes and our Motherland, Ukraine. But the most mysterious feeling is love between a man and a woman.

T.: There is an old legend about it. Listen!


Task: While listening try to complete these sentences:
-          … all you need.
-          … better than having money.
-          … the strongest emotion you will ever fell.
-          … only for young people.
-          … will never die.
-          … as high as a mountain and as deep as the sea.
      Once upon a time there were not men and women. These ancient people were stronger and wiser than gods. They could do everything and they were happy. The gods did not like that. They decided to win people. But how to do that? The gods thought much and at last decided to divide each person into two parts, a man and a woman, and mix them on the Earth. So they did. Since that time people became weak. Each one tries to find the lost half. Those, who found each other, fell in love and become stronger than gods again.

      T.: Now you have some sentences. You should fill in blanks with the right variant. Explain your choice.

  1. It is … to explain what love is.
a) easy;
          b) hard;
     c) neither easy nor difficult;
     d) not hard;

2.  The words are … for that.
     a) rich;
     b) few;
     c) enough;
     d) poor;

3. Life is full of love but … can see that.
     a) everybody;
     b) nobody;
     c) anybody;
     d) somebody;

4. There are different … of love.
     a) types;
     b) typists;
     c) towards;
     d) tulips;

5. The most mysterious feeling is love … a man and a woman.
     a) to;
     b) among;
     c) between;
     d) above;

T.: There are many different love stories which sometimes have a happy end but sometimes are very sad and we even cry reading such stories. Let’s read the text (ex.1, p.79).

IV. Reading Comprehension.


T.: Answer some of my questions:
-          When you love someone, you respond emotionally to that person’s needs. What do you think?
-          Do you agree that you have to share all your troubles and sorrows with the person you love?
-          Do you think males and females handle love relationships differently? Explain your answer.


Trust Your Heart

      Melinda stood at the end of the garden, watching the sun begin to set behind the orchard into the sea beyond. She stood as she had done so many times thinking of that last quarrel two weeks before. She remembered how Damian had at first denied the affair with Tamsin, but then when she had forced him to admit it, how he had apologized and begged her for forgiveness. She sobbed a little as she thought of her harsh words, and how Damian, the only man she had ever really loved, had broken down and cried like a baby when she had refused to see him again. That was two weeks ago and she had heard nothing from him since. She had tried to telephone. She wanted to admit that she had been unjust, to tell him how much she regretted calling him a liar, she wanted to explain that she hadn’t meant to hurt him.
      Suddenly the noise of the garden gate opening startled her. She turned and through the groom she thought she could make out the familiar figure of Damian. Was it him …? Could it possibly be …? The approaching figure stepped into the last patch of sunlight and the last rays of the setting sun illuminated his long, dark, curly hair. He stopped, unsure of himself. “Oh. Damian,” she called softly. “Damian, it is really you”.
      “Melinda”, he murmured. “My Melinda!”
      She sighed deeply and ran to greet him. She took his hands tightly in hers. “My darling”, she whispered. “Can you ever forgive me?”
      “We must never speak of it again”, he replied.
      “But Damian, I never meant …”
      He interrupted her, “It’s all right. I know that now. My darling, promise me something? ”
      “Anything” she cried.
      “Here, this is for you. Please, please accept it, and wear it forever”. He drew a small leather box from his pocket and leaned forward to give it to her. Suddenly the box fell from his grasp. He bent to pick it up and at that moment his glasses slipped from his nose.
      “Blast! Now where have they gone? I can’t see a thing without them”, he explained. Melinda went to help him. There was a crunch as his foot crushed the glasses into the gravel path. “Oh, no, now I’ve trodden on them!” he exclaimed. Why can’t I do anything right? Why do I always ruin everything?”
      Her laughter pealed round the garden. “Oh, Damian, you silly boy, that’s why I love you so much!”


T.: Now, here are some notes about what happened on the previous page of “Trust Your Heart”, when Melinda and Damian met for the first time at a party. Read the notes and construct their conversation. Work in pairs.
       Example: Mrs. Blaze introduced her to Damian.
                      “Oh, Melinda, I’d like you to meet Damian”.

  1. They greeted each other.
  2. He offered to get her a drink.
  3. She thanked and asked him to get her a dry sherry.
  4. He brought her a martini, and apologized because they’d run out of sherry.
  5. She replied that it didn’t matter, and told him not to worry about it.
  6. He asked her if she would like to dance, and she accepted.
  7. He said how much he liked the music and she agreed.
  8. He complimented her on her dress, and she thanked him, and added that she had mad it herself.
  9. He invited her to watch the sunset on the terrace, and she accepted.
  10. He suggested dinner the next evening.
  11. She agreed and promised to meet him.
  12. He suggested “The Old Stable” restaurant and explained that the owner was his old school friend.
  13. He arranged to collect her at eight o’clock.

V. Developing Writing Skills

T.: Love is a very warm affection for someone who attracts you. I would like to offer you one more kind of work. It is a love poem. Read it, fill in the gaps. The missing words are in the box below the poem.

Meeting You
   When I met you at … station
                                             I’d waited for hours … day
                 I was sad when you had left the all …
                                             Months ago,
  But now you’re here to stay.
     We spent … time just walking
                                             So … hours went by.
We’d made so … promises
So … love you can’t deny.
                                             It’s now … years later.
                        Our love is still so strong … moment fills
                                             My heart with joy.
        How could this love be wrong?
       … love goes a long, long way
                                             It’s … to last a lifetime
      … day at … cold dark station.
                                Who could have guessed you’d be mine again.

(That, enough, a few, many, some, the, those, a little, the, each, that, many, much).

Game “Proverbs”

T.: We know some proverbs about love. You have a half of these proverbs. You should find another half on the blackboard:

1) Love should not be
all on one side.
2) Love is the mother
of love.
3) Love is the true
price of love.
4) Love without end
has end.
5) Where love is
all is.
6) Love is neither bought
nor sold.
7) Love will find
a way.
8) Love makes one fit
for any work.
9) Love makes the world
go round.
10) Love is not found
in the market.

VI. Summing-up

T.: Thank you ever so much for a well-done job! I think our today’s lesson was rather fruitful for everyone. You will get such marks.... So let us love and be loved by others. I wish your families and you true love because where there is love, there is life!

Lesson 2

Topic: Love. Types of Love.

-          Developing students’ habits of communication on the topic “Love”;
-          Developing listening skills;
-          Teaching to realize the importance of love in our lives..

Equipment: a tape-recorder, cards with situations, HO1 “Being in love”, pictures.

Procedure of the Lesson

I.                   Greeting.

II.                Warming-up activity.
      T.: Dear children! Today we’ll continue speaking about love. And first of all, I’d like to discuss with you attitudes to being in love. How would you complete the sentence “Being in love…?” You will work in groups with the HO and put definitions 1 to 16 into categories: cynical, romantic, realistic. Decide which category the definitions of being in love fall into and write the numbers. You may add your own definitions of being in love. Write them under the relevant headings. Then we’ll discuss your opinions. Start working. 


  1. … is more like being on a battlefield than in a bed of roses.
  2. … is all you need.
  3. … makes you suffer.
  4. … makes you lose control.
  5. … is bad for your health.
  6. … is only for young people.
  7. … is better than having all money in the world.
  8. … means wedding rings.
  9. … quickly changes to habit
  10.  … is like being on a roller-coaster – one minute you’re high and the next minute you’re very low.
  11.  … is the strongest emotion you will ever feel.
  12.  … is painful.
  13.  … is playing a fool’s game.
  14.  … is hearts and flowers.
  15.  … is the chocolate sauce on the vanilla ice-cream of life – without it, life is nice but not delicious.
  16.  … distracts you from the more important things in life.


T.: Now let us compare our worksheets. So groups you may agree or disagree with your classmates using such functional exponents as: Our group simply doesn’t agree… or We are afraid we have to disagree…
     Or use the following structure: Group A thinks that “being in love makes you smile” is romantic, but we think it is realistic.
     At the end of our discussion give your own definition of being in love.
III. Reading Comprehension.

T.: Answer my questions, please:
-          Some people say that to know love, you must experience it. What do you think?
-          Positive types of love add richness and fullness to life. And what about you?


                  True love involves total communication and commitment between two people. It means sharing what one has and what one is when with another person. True love motivates two people to help each other have the best life possible.
      Tender love is happy and satisfying. It is not only beautiful in itself, but it increases the loveliness of the people involved. Tender love makes people feel warm, secure and cheerful.
      Friendly love grows through the years. It is neither passionate and consuming, nor hostile and hurting. The people experiencing it are kept together with feelings of mutual respect and understanding. Sometimes a true love can be built upon a foundation of friendly love.
      Jealous love is a possessive love. The jealous lover holds the other person so tightly that the person is cut off from other people. Jealousy is almost always a mark of insecurity.
      Passionate love is vigorous, insistent and urgent. It centers on the sexual relationships of men and women. It can also be selfish, with little concern for the other. By itself this kind of love is exhausting. Blended with other love forms it can be exhilarating and fulfilling.
      In hostile love the motions of love and hate are closely related. This tendency to hate those you love involves a feeling of ambivalence – being attracted to and repelled by someone at the same time.
      Unreturned love is frustrating because it is unfulfilled love. When you realize your love is not being returned you may react with feeling of pain, sorrow and hopelessness.
      Infatuation is often mistaken strength and lasting qualities. Definitions of infatuation mention foolish, extreme attractions that do not last. Infatuation begins quickly and may end quickly as it began. Physical attraction may be a part of love but it is often the only basis for infatuation.


T.: So, what types of love do you know?
 Look at the blackboard and match the following terms with their descriptions.

1) Passionate love
a) involves total communication and commitment between two people;
2) Infatuation
b)may form the foundation for true love to build on;
3) Hostile love
c) possessive love;
4) Unreturned love
d) is vigorous, insistent and urgent;
5) Friendly love
e) raises its voice in anger against the loved one;
6) Jealous love
f) is frustrating because it is unfulfilled love;
7) True love
g) foolish, extreme attractions that do not last.
III.             Speaking
1.      Game “Interview”
1)      How would you describe “the best age” for falling in love?
2)      Do you believe in love at first sight? Why, why not?
3)      Is it worth to ask for somebody’s advice if you have love problems?
4)      Is the first unhappy love a tragedy of life?
5)      Do you think true love can be experienced many times in life or can real love occur only once?
6)      Why is love a popular topic with young people?

2.      Situations

T.: Love really makes wonders. Large love makes lovers better, kinder, and the world around them becomes lighter, brighter and kinder. Look at the picture and share your opinion about the behaviour of the young people. What can you say about this love? Work in groups.  
1.      Your boy/ girlfriend has left you. You are very unhappy.
2.      You think your boy/ girlfriend is seeing another boy/ girl.
3.      You want to travel with your boy/ girlfriend during your winter vocation but you haven’t got much money.
4.      You have been quarrelling with your boy/ girlfriend a lot recently.
      V. Developing writing skills

      Creating your own love poem
    T.: Now, dear children, I would like you to become poets. That is why I have an intention to introduce a new kind of poetry to you. It is called Noun Poetry and it is easy to compose poems using it. The topic of this activity is LOVE. You will be able to produce a descriptive poem according to the following set of instructions:
Line 1: Choose a noun or any thing you have selected.
Line 2: Describe this noun with two adjectives joined by the word “and” or “but”.
Line 3: Use a verb form and an adverb to show this noun in a typical action.
Line 4: Think up a comparison beginning with the word “as” or “like” to show a special quality this noun has.
Line 5: Use a phrase beginning with “if only” to express a wish regarding this noun.

    A sample poem:

Absolute and endless.
Blushing bashfully.
As fragile as butterfly’s wing.
If only you loved me…
 VI. Summing Up.

      T.: Thanks a lot for your creativity and composing such charming poems. Some people say that time heals any heart pain. One wise man said that nothing ever becomes real until it is experienced. So, I wish you only positive types of love, and only pleasant love experience! Your marks for this lesson are … Your homework will be to write your own love story and represent it here at our next lesson. Thank you for working! See you tomorrow!

Lesson 3

Topic: All We Need Is Love

-          to develop listening and speaking skills and imagination;
-          to review the lexical material of the lesson;
-          to use the lexical material in the speech;
-           to motivate students in expressing their opinions on the problems under discussing.

Equipment: O.D. Karpiuk. English Study, 11th Form; quotations about love; a tape-recorder, music and songs tapes; handouts.

Procedure of the Lesson

I.                   Greeting.

II.                Warming-up activity.
      T.: You will listen to the song now. Try to guess what we are going to talk about during the lesson. (The song “My Heart Will Go On” by Selin Dion).

My Heart Will Go On

Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you
That is how I know you go on.
Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on.
Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more, you opened the door
And you’re here in my heart,
And my heart will go on and on.
Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never let go till we’re gone.
Love was when I loved you,
One true time to hold on to
In my life we’ll always go on.
Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more, you opened the door
And you’re here in my heart,
And my heart will go on and on.
You’re here, there’s nothing I fear
And I know that my heart will go on
We’ll stay, forever this way
You are safe in my heart
And my heart will go on and on.

      T.: So, what is “love”? Can you give a definition of the word? How can you characterize this feeling?

      P1: Love is the most mysterious feeling people have ever cherished.
      P2: There is no language able to fully express the real meaning of this word. Love fills our life with beauty, joy and light.
      P3: Love is a magic feeling. It makes people better, stronger and kinder. People are happy because they love.
      P4: Love is one of the best feelings. It comes from the heart and touches the heart. It is the flame that can’t be tamed.
      P5: Love is a very complicated feeling. Sometimes it means sacrifice. It can’t exist along with hypocrisy, lie and insincerity.
      P6: Love is a bright feeling. If you feel the sunshine and warmth from every side you definitely know that you love and you are loved.
      P7: Love is a great feeling. A lot of people fall in love every day, some at first sight, others gradually.
      P8: Love is the strongest emotion you can ever feel. it gives you hope and strength, inspiration and encouragement.

III.             Speaking

T.: What emotions can love arouse in us? Which of them are negative and  positive? For this kind of work use cards with the list of emotions.


T.: Now let’s discuss some ever-living problems concerning love.
  1. What is the difference between love and friendship?
  2. Do you believe in love at first sight? Is it a deep and strong feeling? Can it last long and grow into a real love?
  3. What is the difference between love to opposite sex and love to our parents?
  4. What is more important to love or to be loved?
  5. What do you think about treachery (treason) in love?
     Would you be able to forgive it?
  1. Does money play any role in love?

T.: And now try to draw a verbal portrait of your ideal sweetheart. Work in groups of three and use the list of qualities and characteristics.

IV. Listening Comprehension.

Pre-Listening Tasks
T.: Before listening to the story “True Love” I want to attract your attention to some words which may appear unknown to you:
-          hunchback – a person with a back misshaped by a round lump;
-          merchant – a person who buys and sells goods;
-          misshapen – badly or wrongly shaped or formed;
-          repulse – 1) to drive back; 2) to refuse coldly;
-          bride – a girl or a woman about to be married, or just married;
-          humpbacked – having a hump on your back;

1.      First of all I want you to define what true love is.
2.      Now try to guess what the story can be about.


      Moses Mendelssohn, the grandfather of the well-known German composer, was far from being handsome. Along with a rather short stature, he had grotesque hunchback.
       One day he visited a merchant in Hamburg who had a lovely daughter named Frumtje. Moses fell hopelessly in love with her. But Frumtje was repulsed by his misshapen appearance.
       When time came for him to leave, Moses gathered his courage and climbed the stairs to her room to take one last opportunity to speak with her. She was a vision of heavenly beauty, but caused him deep sadness by her refusal to look at him. After several attempts at starting a conversation, Moses shyly asked, “Do you believe marriages are made in heaven?”
       “Yes”, she answered, still looking at the floor. “And do you?”
       “Yes, I do”, he replied. “You see, in heaven at the birth of each boy, the Lord announces which girl he will marry. When I was born, my future wife was pointed out to me. Then the Lord added, ‘But your wife will be humpbacked’”.
      “Right then and there I called out, ‘Oh, Lord, a humpbacked woman will be a tragedy. Please, Lord, give me the hump and let her be beautiful’”.
       Then Frumtje looked into his eyes and was stirred by some deep memory. She reached out and gave Mendelssohn her hand and later became his devoted wife.
Barry and Joyce Vissell

Post-listening Task

      T.: Now answer the following questions:
1.      Is ugly appearance a tragedy for a person? Who suffers more: males or females? Why?
2.      Do love and happiness always come to the beautiful and handsome?
3.      Was Moses right in acting like that? Why did the young woman accept his proposal?
4.      Is it easier for a man or woman if they are far from being handsome to get married? Why?

      V. Round-Ball Discussion

      T.: If you look attentively around the room, you will read a short proverb and a quotation stuck to the wall which will be handy for our discussion with a “microphone”.

    “Love knows no boundaries. The love we give away is the only love we keep”.
Elbert Hubbard

      T.: There on the blackboard you can see some questions you are sure to cover in your short speech and relate to the story above: 
1.      Do you believe in love at first sight?
2.      Why do people speak so much about love?
3.      If you want to be loved, love yourself. Do you agree with this saying?
4.      How do you understand that it is love you feel?
5.      How does love begin? How does it end?

VI. Reading Comprehension.


Hob:   I went to the wedding of my old friend Tom Bailey and Miss Helen Jones last week. I enjoyed it very much. It was a good wedding with lots to eat and drink, and there were some bright lovely people there. Tom is a lucky fellow. His wife is a very pretty girl, young and cheerful and interesting, and clever too. Oh, yes, he is a lucky man and it all happened because of a cat.
Jan:   What do you mean? How could a cat cause a wedding?
Hob:  Yes, it sounds funny, but it is true. It happened like this:
          Helen lived in the next house to Tom, and Tom was soon head over heels in love with Helen – and I am not surprised. He used to look at her over the garden wall; he talked to her one day for a short time; he walked to the station with her once or twice; and one evening, one great evening in his life, he went to a Christmas party and danced with her.
          But Tom is not much of a talker (he’s different from me), and when he was with Helen he seemed to have nothing to say. He wanted to say such a lot, but the words just dried up and he could never say anything. Then one day he walked out into the garden and saw Helen on the other side of the wall looking very unhappy and worried. Tom said, “What is the matter?” and she pointed to the big tree in her garden. Helen pointed to the tree, and Tom looked up there. He saw Helen’s cat high up in the tree. It could not get down and was looking as unhappy as Helen was. Tom went over the garden wall and climbed up the tree and carried the cat down safely. Helen was so pleased to get her cat again that she put her arms around Tom’s neck and gave him a kiss. This was certainly what he liked. He wanted the cat to climb up the tree every day. So that night he waited until it was dark and then he climbed up the tree. He carried a hammer and nails and a fish in his hand. He knew that cats like fish so he nailed the fish to the tree. If the cat went up the tree, he hoped to get another kiss.

Post-Reading Task

T.: 1.Answer the following questions:
-          Tom is a lucky fellow, isn’t he? Why?
-          Prove that Tom was in love.
-          Why did Helen look unhappy?
-          Why did Tom want the cat to climb up the tree every day?
-          What did Tom do for this?

                2. Give synonyms (word or phrase) for each of the following words:
      Went to the wedding, a lucky fellow, to live in the next house to, for a short time, words just dried up, to look very unhappy and worried, to be so pleased.

          3. Find antonyms in the text for the following words:
        Unhappy, unlucky; divorce, get/ be divorced; to prevent.
           4. Agree or disagree:
-          Tom was clever and sharp-witted.
-          Tom loved animals.
-          Helen didn’t know Tom.
-          Tom wanted the cat to climb up the tree every week.
-          So that night Tom waited until I was dark and then he climbed up the tree and nailed the hay to the tree.

    VII. Developing Writing Skills

       T.: Now, children, look at the blackboard. You see the words of the song “And I Love Her” sung by “The Beatles”. But some words there are missing. Listen to the song and fill in the gaps.
I give her all my ___ (love)
                                              That’s all I do.
   And if you saw my ___ (love)
                  You’d love her too, and I love ___ (her)
    She gives me ___ (everything)
                                              And tenderly
      ___ (the kiss) my lover brings,
        She brings to me, and I love her.
                                               A love like ___ (ours)
                                               Could never ___ (die)
      As long as I have you near me.
              Bright are ___ (the stars) that shine,
                                               Dark is the ___ (sky)
                                               I know this love of mine
     Will never die, and I love her.

    VIII. Summing-Up
      T.: Thank you ever so much for a well-done job! In my opinion, you all are real experts and know many facts about love. All your answers were great and highly appreciated by me. You will get such marks … So, love makes the world go round. It is timeless and eternal.  And for the next time I’d like you to write the letter on the topic expressed in the following quotation: “For better or worse, love never dies”. (Edis Crncevic). I wish you all the best! Love and be loved, because all we need is Love! Good bye!    

Lesson 4

Topic: Love. St. Valentine’s Day

-          developing students’ habits of communication on the topic “St. Valentine’s Day”;
-          to practise oral speech based on familiar grammar and new vocabulary;
-          to develop students’ reading comprehension skills and creativity in writing skills;
-          to promote students’ creativity.

Equipment: handouts, illustrations on Valentine’s Day; a tape-recorder, Valentine     cards.

Procedure of the Lesson

I.                   Greeting.

II.                Warming-up activity.

      T.: Today we celebrate St. Valentine’s Day – the day of love – the most mysterious feeling people have ever cherished. There is no language able fully express the real meaning of this word. Love fills our life with beauty, joy and light. Love is a magic feeling. It makes people stronger and more beautiful. A person in love can be compared with the sun shining brightly. That’s why the motto of our today’s lesson will be this one:
“The love we give away is the only love we keep”
(Elbert Hubbard)
What do you know about this feast day? Here are the cards for you. Put a tick next to the correct answer.

Valentine’s Day. Identification Card
-          the holiday when children wear special clothes and go from house to house asking for sweets;
-          a celebration dedicated to the patron saint of England;
-          a public holiday;
-          a national holiday that celebrates the US independence from Great Britain;
-          the day when you send romantic cards to someone you admire or love;
-          the shortest day of the year;the occasion for people to express their love for their mother;a Christian religious holiday that celebrates the death and return to life with God of Jesus.

 III. Listening Comprehension.
 Pre-Listening Task

      T.: St. Valentine’s Day is a very romantic holiday. In a moment we’ll be listening to the record about this holiday. There’ll be some unknown words and expressions in it. Let’s read and translate them.

to execute
jail cell

While-listening Task

      T.: Now listen to the text and be ready to answer the questions:
  1. When is St. Valentine’s Day celebrated?
  2. What do people usually do on this day?
  3. What question do almost all Valentines ask?
  4. Is Valentine’s Day a legal holiday?
  5. What colour and shape are Valentine’s Day decorations?
  6. What are some of popular gifts given on this day?
  7. What messages do many newspapers carry on this day?
  8. How is one very famous song of this day called?
  9. What has become traditional for many couples?
  10.  Why is St. Valentine’s Day happy?
  11.  What can you tell us about its origin?

St. Valentine’s Day

      Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14th as a festival of romance and affection. People send greeting cards called “valentines” to their sweethearts, friends and members of their families.
      Many valentines have romantic poems; others are humorous. But almost all valentines ask “Be My Valentine”. This may mean be my friend or be my love or be my companion. Valentines often show a cupid with an arrow. Cupid, also called Eros, was the ancient Roman god of love.
      Valentine’s Day is not a legal holiday; schools and banks are open as usual. Merchants sell valentines and decorations for Valentine’s Day parties and dances. All the decorations are bright red, and the most popular ones are heart shaped.
      School children decorate their classrooms with bright red paper hearts and celebrate the day in their classroom. They also make valentine cards for their friend and parents.
      Stores advertise heavily for this holiday since it is traditional for sweethearts, spouses, and members of the family to exchange gifts on Valentine’s Day. Heart shaped boxes of candy, jewellery and flowers are some of the popular gifts given on this day.
      Many newspapers carry advertisements or messages placed by people in love. Both men and women want to let their sweethearts know how much they love them. On Valentine’s Day, many radio stations play romantic music all day long. One very famous song is called “My Funny Valentine”.
      Valentine’s Day is a day to share loving feelings with friends and family. It has become traditional for many couples to become engaged on this day. Also, famous couples are remembered. Some of them are Romeo and Juliet, Caesar and Cleopatra, among others. This is a happy day because it is specially dedicated to celebrate love affection and friendship.
      Valentine’s Day comes on the feast of two different Christian saints named Valentine. But the way that Valentine’s Day is celebrated has nothing to do with the lives of the saints.
      This celebration comes from an ancient Roman festival called “Lupercalia” which took place every February 15th. This festival honored Juno, the Roman goddess of women and marriage, and Pan the god of nature. It was also believed that birds choose their mates on this date. Valentine’s Day became very popular in the United States in the 1800’s.

Post-listening Tasks

  1. Chain story
T.: Each of you should name one St. Valentine’s Day custom using one sentence. We must make up a story putting these customs in the logical order. I give you the beginning of this story: “There is a great number of customs connected with a St. Valentine’s Day. Thus …”

S1: People send valentine cards and presents with red hearts on them to one another.
S2: They write short rhymes inside of their valentine cards.
S3: They can send roses, the flowers of love, or other flowers to their sweethearts.
S4: Many newspapers have a St Valentine’s Day page for teenagers and adults.
S5: Anyone can send a message, for a small fee, of course.
S6: Many newspapers carry advertisements or messages placed by people in love.
S7: They can also show their sweethearts that they care about them by singing a romantic song.
S8: Many radio stations play romantic music all day long.
S9: Many couples become engaged on this day.
S10: Children and youth have St Valentine’s parties and dances.
S11: Refreshments are always coloured red, like red candy and punch.
S12: Sandwiches and cakes are often cut in the shape of hearts.
S13: They decorate the dancing halls with red paper hearts and chubby cupids.
S14: They choose the King and Queen of Hearts during their Valentine’s parties.
S15: They make boxes for “valentines” at schools.
S16: They have a competition “whose box is the best”.
S17: They play different games, sing songs, recite poems of love, dance and play guessing games.

2.      Guessing the riddle
      T.: As the continuation of the last game try to guess the riddle. Take one letter from each of the five-letter words below to leave four-letter words. Then write each of the deleted letters into the relevant empty boxes on the right to form a new five-letter word reading down the right-hand column. Can you tell us what this new word is?

      Clue: a famous lover.

Серце: R Серце: I Серце: D Серце: E Серце: R

Серце: O Серце: P Серце: I Серце: N Серце: E
Серце: T Серце: I Серце: M Серце: E Серце: R
Серце: R Серце: E Серце: S Серце: E Серце: T
Серце: G Серце: R Серце: O Серце: A Серце: N

    Words: ride, pine, tier, rest, gran.
      Key: Romeo.

    IV. Group Work

Identifying Valentine’s Signs

      T.: Well, each of us needs people who love and support us. So Valentine’s Day is a good chance to show them our love and care. This holiday has its own signs and symbols, which mean that Valentine’s Day is truly a fascinating celebration of love and affection. Do you know all signs of Valentine’s Day? Now let us see.
I Group
  1. It is one of the gods of mythology, represented as a chubby, naked, winged boy with a bow and arrows.
  2. It is the most popular flower in the world. It speaks of love and has been the choice of lovers in every country.
  3. These are birds used as a symbol of “fidelity” because they mate for life.
  4. It is a shape of red colour used as a symbol of love.
  5. They are long, narrow strips of material used to tie things together or as a decoration.
  6. It is a piece of metal cut into a special shape to fit into a lock where it can be turned to open a door.
Keys: 1) a cupid; 2) a rose; 3) turtledoves; 4) a heart; 5) a ribbon; 6) a key.
II. Group
  1. They were a favourite decoration that depicted “feminity”. They also represent a symbol of friendship.
  2. It is a long thin stick, pointed at one end that can be used in hunting and shot from a bow.
  3. It is a food made from cocoa and sugar, usually brown and eaten as sweets or used in cakes.
  4. It is a round piece of jewellery worn on a finger as a symbol of fidelity or loyalty.
  5. It is a soft toy representing a large strong animal with thick fur. It makes the most popular toy in the world.
  6. It is something that is given without being asked for, to show friendship and love or to say “thank you”.
Keys: 1) clasped hands; 2) an arrow; 3) chocolate; 4) a golden ring; 5) a teddy bear; 6) a gift.

V. Reading Comprehension.

      T.: There are many stories linked to Valentine’s Day. So I’d like you to read two of them. However, these two stories have been mixed together by mistake. Now they are in disorder. I would be very thankful to you if you could separate and rearrange them into two different texts. The first group is looking for the story called “Cupid and Psyche”.

Cupid and Psyche

      Cupid has always played a significant role in the celebrations of love and lovers. He is known as mischievous, winged child, whose arrows would pierce the hearts of his victims making them to fall deeply in love. In ancient Greece, he was known as Eros, the young son of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. To the Romans, he was known as Cupid, and his mother – Venus.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
      One legend tells the story of Cupid and the mortal girl, Psyche. Venus was jealous of the beauty of Psyche, and ordered Cupid to punish the mortal. But instead, Cupid fell deeply in love with her. He took her as his wife, but as a mortal, she was forbidden to look at him. Psyche was happy until her sisters convinced her to look at Cupid. Cupid punished her by departing. Their lovely castle and gardens vanished with him and Psyche found herself alone in an open field.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

      As she walked and walked to find her love, she came to the temple of Venus. Wishing to destroy her, the goddess of love gave Psyche a series of tasks, each harder and more dangerous than the last. For her last task Psyche was given a little box and ordered to take it to the underworld. She was told to get some of the beauty of Proserpine, the wife of Pluto, and put it in the box.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
       During her trip, she was given tips on avoiding the dangers of the kingdom of the dead and warned not to open the box. However, temptation overcame Psyche and she opened the box. But instead of finding beauty, she found deadly sleep.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
       Cupid found her lifeless on the ground. He gathered the sleep from her body and put it back in the box. Cupid forgave her, as did Venus. The gods, moved by Psyche’s love for Cupid made her a goddess.

      T.: The second group should put together the parts of the text “My First Valentine”.

My First Valentine

      February 14 is St. Valentine’s Day. St. Valentine is the saint of people in love. On that day you can send a Valentine card or a present to a person with whom you are in love, or to someone you admire. But traditionally you must never write your name on it. Some newspapers have pages of space reserved for Valentine’s Day messages on February 14.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
      Needless to say, it is particularly young people who look forward to Valentine’s Day hoping to receive many cards.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
      Valentine’s Day was really important at school. It didn’t matter who they were from, just how many you received. It was a custom for each child in the class to send a valentine to another child. For this purpose, we made our own very cheap cards.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
     My first Valentine was unforgettable. It was a nice homemade card with a red paper rose and a poem inside.

“Roses are red,
    Violets are blue.
      When I grow up,
            I want to marry you”.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
     I was seven and had a crush on a handsome boy in my class. I hoped it was from him and I excitedly checked the handwritings of all my classmates. But to my disappointment, I discovered that it was from a boy whose nickname was “Smelly” because his mother gave him meat and onion sandwiches for lunch. I confided in my best friend, who promptly told everybody else, and the boy got teased by everyone. I was a little bit ashamed and felt sorry for him. Since then I’ve got lots of Valentine cards and I’ve always tried to keep the author secret.

  1. Students rearrange the strips of paper into two different texts respectively.
  2. Students of each group read their text. The students of the other group listen to their opponents’ reading attentively.
  3. Reading comprehension is done by teacher’s questions.
     Teacher’s questions:
-          What do these texts have in common?
-          Did the girl and Psyche feel sorry for what they had done? Did they change? Did both stories end happily?
-          What do these stories teach us?

    VI. Developing Writing Skills
   T.: Now you will be given sheets of papers with a certain assignment dedicated to this holiday. Do it in written form. In the first assignment you have to match the words to their similar meanings.
1) romance
a) boyfriend, girlfriend
2) affection
b) love
3) humorous
c) make attractive
4) decorate
d) tenderness
5) merchant
e) emotions
6) feelings
f) funny
7) companion
g) celebrations
8) festival
h) storekeeper
9) sweetheart
i) friend
Keys: 1-b, 2-d, 3-f, 4-c, 5-h, 6-e, 7-i, 8-g, 9-a.

T.: In the next assignment you have to match the famous couples:
1) Romeo
a) Prince Charles
2) Adam
b) Josephine
3) Carmen
c) Done Hose
4) Lady Di
d) the Beast
5) Beauty
e) Juliet
6) Napoleon
f) Carlo Ponti
7) Rhett Butler
g) Eve
8) Sophie Loren
h) Prince
9) Cinderella
i) Scarlet O’Hara
Keys: 1-e, 2-g, 3-c, 4-a, 5-d, 6-b, 7-i, 8-f, 9-h.

T.: In the last assignment you have to underline the word which best completes the sentence:
  1. On the classroom walls there are (celebrations, decorations, festivals).
  2. St. Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love and (romance, parents, decorations).
  3. Valentine cards have messages of (affection, humour, share).
  4. It is traditional to send flowers to (celebrate, sweethearts, dedicate) on St. Valentine’s Day.
  5. On this day people share feelings of affection with friends, family and (flowers, affection, companions).
  6. (Sweethearts, Customers, Merchants) decorate their stores with red hearts and cupids on St. Valentine’s Day.
  7. This is a day to celebrate (feelings, humourous, decorations) of friendship and love.
  8. Some valentine cards are funny; they have (loving, humourous, romantic) message.
  9. Lupercalia was an ancient Roman (sharing, god, festival).

    VII. Summing-Up.

      T.: I hope that our today’s lesson was both useful and interesting for you. We have discussed the topic “St. Valentine’s Day”. I see you have learnt the customs, symbols and traditions of this holiday rather well. Most of you are excellent connoisseurs of them. Your home assignment for the next lesson will be to write a letter to your foreign friend about St. Valentine’s celebrations and traditions in your school and class. Our lesson is over. Good-bye!

Lesson 5

Topic: Love and Marriage in Our Life

-          developing communicative activity using interactive forms (brainstorming, group work);
-          checking students’ listening skills;
-          teaching students to find specific information in the text;
-          learning more about the wedding traditions and customs in Great Britain.

Equipment: the textbook by Karpiuk O.D. “English Study for the 11th Form”; topical pictures, cards for individual and group work.

Procedure of the Lesson
III.             Greeting.

IV.             Warming-up activity.

      T.:  Today our lesson is devoted to the questions most young people are concerned about. We’ll speak about love and marriage. I strongly believe that love holds up the family and the whole world. Tell me, what the word “marriage” is associated with.
(Brainstorming. Creating a mind map)

       T.: Make up sentences with the word “marriage” at the beginning or at the end.

-          Marriage is important for children.
-          Marriage keeps couples together.
-          Marriage restricts freedom.
-          Marriage is unnecessary.
-          Society cannot exist without marriage.
-          People often discuss the problem of marriage.
-          Children should be taught to live in marriage.

III. Listening Comprehension.

Pre-Listening Task
      T.: Before listening to the text answer my questions:
-          Do you think romantic love is a good criterion for choosing a spouse?
-          Are money and social status important factors in choosing a spouse? Should they be?

      Dolores Valentine knows all about love. She is 65 years old and has been married six times. The first time she was a bride, her wedding day was on her seventeenth birthday. The last time she got married, she was 62. Her bridegroom that day was 75 and he died two weeks later.
      Dolores Valentine has been married six times, but the remarkable thing is that she has never been divorced. All six of her husbands died while they were married to her. Six times she has been a loving wife and six times she has been left a widow.
      Now she is engaged again and is going to marry a man much younger than she is. Her fiancé is a thirty-nine-year-old farmer – strong and healthy. This time Dolores feels pretty sure that she is going to be the one to die first and leave her husband a widower. But Dolores isn’t worried. Until then, she is going to have a good time and enjoy life, because Dolores knows that you are only as old as you feel.

Post-listening Task
T.: Are the sentences true (+) or false (-)? Correct the false sentences:
1.      Dolores Valentine is a very experienced in love.
2.      She is 65, and she has been married seven times.
3.      Her first wedding day was on her sixteenth birthday.
4.      The last time she got married, she was 62.
5.      Her last bridegroom died in two weeks after their marriage.
6.      Dolores has never been divorced.
7.      Seven times she has been left a widow.
8.      Now she is going to marry a young man.
9.      Her fiancé is a businessman.
10.  Dolores is worried about her future.
IV. Group work

      T.: Now work in groups. Give a definition for the following ideas and discuss the significance of each word when people get married. Say it in one word.
1.      A marriage ceremony especially one with a religious service. (Wedding)
2.      Local government building where you can get married and where births, deaths and marriages are officially registered. (Registry Office)
3.      A priest in church in England who is in charge of a church in a particular area. (A vicar)
4.      A woman at the time she gets married or just after she is married. (A bride)
5.      A man at the time he gets married. (bridegroom, groom, fiancé)
6.      A girl or a woman, usually unmarried, who helps the bride on her wedding day. (The brides-maid)
7.      A piece of jewellery you wear on your finger. (a ring)
8.      A person who plays an organ. (Organist)
9.      A group of people who sing together, especially in a church or school. (The choir)
10.  An arrangement of flowers, especially one that you give to someone.           (bouquet)
11.  A thin cloth worn by women to cover their faces at formal occasions such as wedding, or for some religious reasons. (A veil)
12.  A holiday taken by the two people who have just got married. (Honeymoon)

    V. Speaking

      T.: Discuss the following with your partner, work in pairs. In a wedding ceremony in your country, what are the wedding vows that a man and a woman traditionally exchange? What commitments do they make? What is the divorce rate in your country? Have the marriages of any rich and famous people been in the news recently? Many film stars now have prenuptial agreements. What are these? Why do people need them?

      T.: Now look at the given table and answer my questions:

Richard Gere and Cindy Crawford
Lyle Lovett and Julia Roberts
Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise
Bruce Willis and Demi Moore
got married
In 1991, in Las Vegas
In 1993 after a six-week romance
On Christmas Eve 1990, in Telluride, Colorado
In 1987, in Las Vegas, just four weeks after he asked her out on their first date
split up
in 1994
in 1995
in 2001
in 1998
were married
for 3 years
for 2 years
for just over 10 years
for 11 years
What went wrong?
She wanted to have children and he refused.
Big difference in age became a problem.
They both wanted to pursue their own careers.
It was a stormy relationship, and there were rumours of affairs on both sides.

-       Which couple got married in Las Vegas?
-       Which couple got married on Christmas Eve?
-       Which couple was married the shortest time?
-          Which couple was married the longest?
-          Which couple split up for professional reasons?
-          Which couple split up because one of them didn’t want to have children?

    VI. Reading Comprehension.

      T.: Read the text and decide which answer A, B, C, or D fits each space best.


      Julia and James had a church wedding in the early spring. For their honeymoon they went on a (1) … to the Greek islands. It was a very modern (2) … and there was even a swimming pool on one of the (3) … They had an enormous (4)… with a bathroom and a bedroom. Julia was a bit (5) … about travelling by ship because she’d seen the Titanic a few weeks before. She wanted to (6) … that there were enough lifejackets before they left the port just in case anything (7) … wrong. For some reason James found this very (8) … and they started to (9) … the most terrible rows on the very first day. Julia could hardly believe that this was the same man she had (10) … in love with a year before. He had never shown any sign of being so (11) … when they were just going (12) … together. She began to (13) … ever having married him. To make matters even worse, James started to (14) … with some of the other young women all evening on the last night and that made Julia decide that the only solution was to split (15) … with James and start her life all over again.

1. A  voyage
B cruise
C travel
D journey
2. A ferry
B tanker
C liner
D yacht
3. A decks
B docks
C storeys
D floors
4. A compartment
B flat
C room
D cabin
5. A sensitive
B nervous
C fed up
D overcome
6. A prove
B confirm
C secure
D check
7. A did
B made
C had
D went
8. A irritation
B irritated
C irritating
D irritate
9. A fight
B do
C make
D have
10. A felt
B fallen
C found
D fault
11. A impatient
B unconscious
C surprising
D thrilling
12. A away
B over
C through
D out
13. A  repent
B regret
C relieve
D respect
14. A flit
B flight
C flirt
D float
15. A away
B out
C up
D apart
VII. Developing Writing Skills.

      T.: Fill in the gaps with one word.
      The best age to ___ married is twenty-five for women and twenty-seven for men. A big ___ in age should not be a problem for a couple if they are in love. It is impossible for both partners in a marriage to ___ a career. A ___ relationship is much better than a boring one. A couple with children should never ___ up. They should stay together. The main reason for getting married is to ___ children.
      Keys: 1) get; 2) difference; 3) pursue; 4) stormy; 5) split; 6) have.

    VIII. Summing-Up.

      T.: Thank you very much for such a great job! Now you have deep knowledge concerning marriage. I believe you will be happy in your future life. I wish your families and you true real love and harmony because love is strength. For the next lesson your homework is to write a letter on the topic expressed in the following quotation: “Marriage is the greatest happiness when founded on complete sympathy” (B.Disraeli). Our lesson is over. Good-bye!

Lesson 6

Topic: Marriage and Its Role for People

-          to develop students’ reading and listening skills;
-          to develop students’ fluency in speaking English;
-          to motivate students in expressing opinions;
-          to teach to respect their feelings and feelings of the other people.
Equipment: Karpiuk O.D. “English Study for the 11th Form”; handouts; a tape-recorder, cards for individual and group work.

Procedure of the Lesson

V.    Greeting.
VI. Warming-up activity.
  T.: Today at our lesson we’ll continue to discuss marriage in general and its role in people’s lives. First of all I suggest you name the words, connected with marriage, which begin with the letters that form the following word and explain it. (Teacher shows the word “husband”)
      Expected answers:
Honeymoon. After marriage a couple usually makes a wedding trip to some place, where it spends a honeymoon.
Unreturned love. Your love is not being returned and you feel      hurt and hopeless.
Spouse is a husband or a wife.
Bride is young girl on her wedding day.
      Arranged marriage. Parents look for a spouse for their child  because they think they can make a better choice than their son (daughter).
      Necklace. It’s a string of pearls on the neck of a bride.
      Divorce – a legal ending of a marriage.

VII.                     Icebreaker.

T.: And now everyone should ask as many classmates as possible to complete the questionnaire. Then you should comment on the results. You have two minutes. (Every student gets a questionnaire, and then they go around the class taking and giving interviews. Then students report the results).


The name of the pupil
The total
1. Which age is better for marriage:

a) from 18 to 20

b) from 21 to 25


2. Do you want to marry in a religious rite?

3. Do you prefer a marriage of convenience?

4. Do you think a love match is the best?

5. How many children are you going to have?

1 child-2
2 children-1

IV.             Listening Comprehension.
Pre-Listening Task
      T.: Before listening to the text answer such my questions:
1) What do you think: Is an arranged marriage better and more stolid than a love match? Why? Why not?
2) Who should be the first to make a proposal: a man or a woman? Explain your answer.


      Many years ago a merchant found himself in debt to a moneylender, a cruel unpleasant man. The merchant had only one child, a daughter, whom he loved dearly. One day the moneylender came to the merchant with an ultimatum – either the merchant should pay his debts, go to debtors’ prison, or permit the moneylender to marry his daughter.
       Realising that both the merchant and his daughter were horrified at the idea, the moneylender invited them both to walk with him along a gravel path to discuss the matter. Here he proposed that fate should decide the issue.
       “I shall take two pebbles, one black and another - white”, he said, bending to pick up two stones. “I shall drop them both in this bag. And then, if your daughter agrees, she will pick one of the stones from the bag without looking. If she picks out the white one, I shall forgive all of your debts, and you and your daughter will never see me again. However, if she picks out the black stone, your daughter is mine”.
      The merchant’s daughter was distraught. She did not trust the moneylender. She was almost sure that he had put two black stones in the bag. The situation was desperate. What should she do?
      (The “correct” answer is that the daughter put her hand in the bag, withdrew a stone, and dropped it “accidentally” on the gravel path. “I’m sorry”, she cried, “but you can tell the stone I chose by the colour of the one remaining in the bag”).

    Post-listening Tasks

  1. Are the sentences true (+) or false (-)?
1)      A merchant found himself in debt to a respectable, pleasant man. (-)
2)      The moneylender’s ultimatum was either pay the debt, go to debtor’s prison or permit him to marry the merchant’s daughter. (+)
3)      The moneylender invited the merchant and his daughter to walk with him along a gravel beach. (-)
4)      He proposed to drop 2 black pebbles into the bag. (-)
5)      There were two white pebbles in the bag. (-)
6)       If the daughter picked out the marked pebble, she would belong to the moneylender. (-)
7)      The young girl was distraught. (+)
8)      She was almost sure that he had put two black stones in the bag. (+)
9)      She refused to pick out the pebble from the bag. (-)
10)  She picked out a black pebble. (-)
2. Help the young girl to solve the problem.
Expected answers:
      S1: The girl should resign herself to her fate. Maybe a moneylender will be a good husband and worship her. She will be rich and happy. Maybe she will fall in love with him. The point is that the girl should change her negative attitude to the moneylender.
      S2: The girl should fall down and pretend that she injured her leg and take a white pebble from the path, hide it in her hand and put her hand with the pebble into the bag.
V. Speaking.

T.: Choose any statement and discuss it:
  1. Society would not exist without marriage.
  2. Marriage is unnecessary.
  3. Marriage is important for the children.
  4. A lot of married people get divorced.

Possible answers:
      S1: I’ve chosen statement 1. I agree with it. A family is a part of society. Every child should be brought up in a full family. Parents teach children good manners, prepare them for life. Many people become criminals because they are not raised in a normal family. Such qualities as generosity, high moral principles/ honesty are cultivated in a family. Parents set an example for children. Marriage is necessary for providing a healthy society.
      S2: I would like to express my point of view as for statement 2. I think that marriage is unnecessary. It restricts your freedom. Family life requires a lot of time. I think young people should live together for some time without getting married. They will get to know each other better. If they come to the conclusion that they don’t match, they will break up without any difficulties. Besides I know many unmarried couples that live happily because they feel free and aren’t restricted by obligations.
      S3: I think marriage is important for children (statement 3). Children suffer when they don’t have parents or one of them. For example my friend has never had a father. His father died before his birth. He often dreams of having a father. He says he would be the happiest person if his father lived with him. Take another example. If adults come to an orphanage, unhappy creatures run up to them shouting: “Mother, father! Take me with you”. A child’s soul becomes hard if he or she doesn’t feel her/ his parents’ affection.
      S4: I agree with statement 4. I haven’t decided yet if marriage is necessary. I know a lot of married people who got divorced. Divorce is a troubling event. It especially does a lot of harm to children. Children can’t make a choice. They love both farther and mother. How can I be sure that I’ll not get divorced? I don’t think that marriage is happiness. And it’s not a secret that many people change after marriage. People have different habits, points of view, characters, which lead to divorce. Thus marriage is a very important and responsible step. Before getting married you should think of a famous proverb: “Score twice before you cut once”.

    VI. Reading Comprehension.

      Adrian and Caroline were married recently. “Our wedding was a pretty typical one, really. Caroline and I met about three years ago, and we got engaged last summer. We both wanted a traditional wedding. I suppose it’s expensive. And some people say it’s a waste of money, but it is a day to remember all your life. Anyway, we wanted to please our parents, and we both wanted to get married in church. Caroline’s father hired a white Rolls-Royce to bring her to the church. We wanted top hats, tails, and champagne – the full treatment. The men rented their morning suits for the day. Caroline had three bridesmaids – her sister and two of her cousins, and a page. The page was her nephew. He is only three and he made a lot of noise during the ceremony. I didn’t feel my best that day because my stag party went on until 5 o’clock in the morning. I do remember the photographs, though. We seemed to be waiting around for ages. Although it was a very sunny Saturday – it was in May – there was a pretty cold wind. The reception was at the Carton Hotel. It must have cost Caroline’s Dad a packet. The speeches went on a bit too long, I think … and of course some of them were a bit vulgar, but I suppose that’s a tradition. It took twenty minutes just to read out all the telegrams. I’d been very careful, and I’d parked my car round the corner, but of course they somehow managed to find out where it was. You should have seen what they’d done to it! It was covered with lipstick, and they’d tied cans to the bumper. But anyway, they didn’t know where we were having our honeymoon. We went to Scotland”.

      Post-Reading Task

      T.: Correct the statements providing examples from the text.
      I Group
  1. Caroline’s parents didn’t come to church.
  2. The men bought expensive morning suits.
  3. Adrian paid for reception.
II Group
  1. Adrian’s parents said that traditional wedding was a waste of money.
  2. Caroline’s father parked his car round the corner.
  3. Everyone knew where Adrian and Caroline were having their honeymoon.

      VII. Developing Writing Skills


      Love! It’s a strong feeling between people. Love may be true, that means total communication between two people. Tender love makes people feel warm, cheerful. Friendly love involves mutual respect and understanding. Marriage is often a result of love. Marriage may be a misalliance, one of convenience, arranged or based on true love. On the day of wedding young people become a bride and groom. After wedding a young couple has a honeymoon.

 VIII. Summing-Up

      T.: So, as we see, children, marriage is very important in the life of every person. People are born to have children and share the joys and sorrows with someone. Marriage and family are quite important. Thank you for your work at the lesson, you were very active today, so, your marks are … For the next lesson you should speak on the following point: “Marriage is important and necessary in everyone’s life”. Now our lesson is over. Good-bye, everyone!

Lesson 7

Control Lesson on the topic “Love. Marriage”

-          to check the level of knowledge and skills on the given topic;
-          to promote the developing of critical thinking and using the gained knowledge in different situations;

Equipment: texts for listening and reading, handouts;

Procedure of the Lesson
       I. Greeting.

II. Listening.

1. Pre-Listening Task.
1. Have you heard about people who were called Maori?
2. Where did they live?
3. Can you describe the scenery of this country?
2. While-listening

(A New Zealand Legend)
      Hinemoa was a beautiful daughter of a native chief who lived near a great lake in New Zealand. In the middle of the lake there was an island. Tutanekai a brave young warrior lived with his tribe on the island. One day Hinemoa’s father gave a great feast where many young Maori warriors from different tribes were present. These all young warriors danced and sang at the feast. Tutanekai was among them. He was the most handsome and bravest warrior. He sang and played his flute beautifully. Hinemoa fell in love with Tutanekai and he fell in love with her. But when Hinemoa told her father that she loved Tutanekai and wanted to become his wife, the old chief became very angry and said “You are the chief’s daughter and you must marry a chief. Forget that man. If you try to see him, I shall lock you in the house. If he comes to our village, he will die”. Hinemoa was unhappy. Tutanekai’s friends told him that he did not have to leave his island. Then in the evening Hinemoa heard the sound of a flute. It came across the lake from the island.
       Tutanekai’s flute told Hinemoa about his great love. Night after night Hinemoa went down to the shore to listen to Tutanekai’s flute and dreamed of meeting him. This made her father still angrier. He ordered his warriors to take away all canoes from the water so that his daughter might not go to the island in one of them.
      For a time Hinemoa spent her evenings near the lake always looking towards the island but she never found a canoe there, which could take her across the water. At last Hinemoa thought of a plan. She tied six empty gourds together as floats. She hoped that they would help her to reach the island. The island was very far and even at the daytime it was very difficult to approach to it. She decided to start at night when nobody could see her. She waited for the night when the moon would be behind the clouds and when it grew dark she slipped into the water and began to swim. It was quiet in the village. Nobody saw her. But how cold and dark the water was! Something touched her leg and she got terribly frightened, but she swam and swam. Until she was so tired and weak that she could not swim any longer. She cried out in the darkness. Then the moon came out from behind the dark cloud and the girl saw that the island was near. A few minutes later she could feel the ground under her feet. She rested for a moment then she came to realize that the water was warm: there was a hot spring nearby. She entered the warm water and got stronger. Hinemoa found Tutanekai and became his wife. They lived on the island happily for many years. Hinemoa’s father could not be angry with his daughter for a long time. Soon he came to the island with many beautiful gifts for her and Tutanekai. The hot spring, which gave her life and strength back, has been known as Hinemoa’s bath then.

      3. After Listening
      T.: Now let’s check how well you have understood this legend.

      Choose the right answer
  1. Who gave a great feast one day?
a)      Hinemoa’s mother
b)      Hinemoa’s father
c)      Tutanekai’s mother
d)     Tutanekai’s father

  1. Who were present there?
a)      many guests from other tribes
b)      many musicians
c)      many young Maori warriors
d)     many young Maori girls

  1. Why did Hinemoa fall in love with Tutanekai?
a)      because he danced well
b)      because he was very rich
c)      because he sang and played his flute beautifully
d)     because he was strong

  1. Why was Hinemoa’s father against their marriage?
a)      because Hinemoa was too young
b)      because she should study
c)      because she was the chief’s daughter
d)     because Tutanekai was poor

  1. What made her father still angrier?
a)      her songs about Tutanekai
b)      her silence
c)      her listening to Tutanekai’s flute
d)     her reading books

  1. What did Hinemoa’s father order his warriors to do?
a)      to kill Tutanekai
b)      to follow Hinemoa
c)      to take away all canoes from the water
d)     to organize a mortal combat

  1. What did Hinemoa decide to do?
a)      to run away
b)      to kill herself
c)      to marry another man
d)     to swim at night when nobody could see her

  1. What was the main idea of her plan?
a)      to steal one of the canoes
b)      to make a raft
c)      to tie six empty gourds together as floats
d)     to use a boat

  1. How long did it take her to get to the island?
a)      all night and all day
b)      three hours
c)      a month
d)     all night

  1. What helped her to get stronger?
a)      a hot shower
b)      a hot bath
c)      a hot lake
d)     a hot spring
VIII.    Read and write your comments on the following text

      The famous architect Melville Fenton grew tired of matrimony and devised a scheme to free himself of his spouse. He told her he had been engaged by an American company to design its new office building in Paris. Packing his baggage he left home and proceeded to cut all his ties with his former life. He changed his name, secured a new job, and quickly forgot his faithful wife. Not having any responsibilities, he began to squander his money and energy. He married another woman, believing he was safe from the law. But his first wife had grown suspicious and resentful. She learned from his employer that he had gone abroad, that in fact he had left the firm altogether. With a little detective work, she soon discovered her husband’s where about. He had become a fugitive from justice and one calamity after another overtook him. He lost his job, became a pauper and was no longer the envy of his acquaintances. Then his second wife grew ill and died.
      After collapse of his plans, there was only logical step for Melville to take. He embraced his wife and asked for her forgiveness. Much to his relief, she decided not to prosecute him for bigamy.

IX. Reading

Pre-reading Task
1. T.: What do the letters SOS probably mean?
(Save Our Souls …) It is an encoded message asking for help. There are some other encoded messages such as: IOU – I owe you; OISU – Oh, I see you etc. Now people often use decoded messages while sending SMS over the mobile phone. Try to decode a message and present it for the group. (AS – answer soon; DBL – don’t be late; KIS – keep it a secret etc.)
     2. Read and remember the words and their definitions:
-          to take turns – to do something one after another;
-          dew – small drops of water that form on outdoor surfaces during the night;
-          steam – heated water changed into vapour;
-          to stuff – to push or put something into a small space ;
-          to comfort – to make somebody feel less worried, upset;
-          lullaby – a quiet, slow song sung for children to make them go to sleep.

II. While-Reading Reading Task

      My grandparents were married for over half a century and played their own special game from the time they had met each other. The goal of their game was to write the word “shmily” in a surprise place for the other to find. They took turns leaving “shmily” around the house, and as soon as one of them discovered it, it was their turn to hide it once more.
      They drew “shmily” with their fingers in the dew on the windows or in the steam left on the mirror after a hot shower, where it would reappear bath after bath. Once my grandmother even unrolled an entire roll of toilet paper to leave “shmily” on the very last sheet.
      There was no end to the places “shmily” would pop up. Little notes with “shmily” were stuffed inside shoes and left under pillows. This mysterious word was as much a part of my grandparents’ house as the furniture.
       It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreciate my grandparents’ game. Skepticism has kept me from believing in true love. However, I never doubted my grandparents’ relationship.
       Grandpa and grandma held hands every chance they could. My grandma whispered me about how cute my grandpa was, how handsome an old man he had grown to be. Before every meal they bowed heads and gave thanks: for a wonderful family, good fortune, and each other.
         But there was a dark cloud in their life: my grandmother had breast cancer. This disease had first appeared ten years earlier. As always, grandpa was with her every step of the way. He comforted her in their yellow room, painted that colour so she could always be surrounded by sunshine, even when she was too sick to go outside.
       Now the cancer was once again attacking her body. My grandma grew steadily weaker, until; finally, she could not leave the house anymore. For a while, grandpa would go to church alone, praying to God to watch over his wife. Then, one day, what we all dreaded, finally happened. Grandma was gone. “Shmily”. It was scrawled in yellow on the pink ribbons of my grandmother’s funeral bouquet.
       As the crowd thinned, all our family members gathered around grandma one last time. Grandpa stepped up and began to sing to her. Through his tears and grief, the song came a nice and tender lullaby.
       I will never forget that moment. S-H-M-I-L-Y. See How Much I Love You. Thank you, grandpa and grandma, for letting me see.
       (After Laura Jeanne Alien, from the book Chicken Soup for the Couple’s Soul)

     III. Post-Reading Task

1.      Match the words to the similar meanings:
a) goal
1) to understand
b) to discover
2) whole, total
c) to reappear
3) incurable disease
d) entire
4) to fear, to be afraid
e) to pop up
5) aim, purpose
f) cute
6) ill, not well
g) cancer
7) to find, to learn
h) sick
8) kind, warm, sensitive
i) to dread
9) to write, to draw
j) to unroll
10) clever, attractive
k) to scrawl
11) to open, to disclose
l) tender
12) to appear again
m) to see
13) to appear suddenly

2.      Complete the sentences with suitable words as in the text:
- The (1) of the game was to write the word (2) in a (3) place for the other to find.
- They drew “shmily” with their (4) in the (5) on the windows or in the (6) left on the (7) after a hot shower.
- There was no end to the places “shmily” would (8).
- My grandma whispered me about how (9) and (10) my grandpa was.
- My grandmother had (11) (12).
- One day, what we all (13), finally happened. Grandma was gone.
- “Shmily” was (14) in yellow on the pink ribbons of the (15) bouquet.
- Through his tears and grief, the song came, a nice and (16) (17).

               3. Are the sentences true (+) or false (-)? Correct the false sentences:
  1. The husband and wife played their own game for 25 years.
  2. Little notes with “shmily” were left under shoes and stuffed inside pillows.
  3. They scrawled the word on the mirror in the bathroom.
  4. The old man was cute and handsome.
  5. After every meal they bowed heads and gave thanks to God for a wonderful family, good fortune and each other.
  6. The old man never went to church alone.
  7. The narrator never understood the meaning of the game and the word “shmily”.
  8.  The old couple were not ashamed of their feeling.
  9. The main characters are the narrator’s grandparents.

    1. Choose the right answer:

1)      The grandparents were married for:
a)      20 years
b)      half a century
c)      30 years
d)     over 50 years
2)      Skepticism kept the narrator from:
a)      appreciating the game
b)      understanding the meaning of the word
c)      believing in true love
d)     doubting their relationship
3)      The grandmother had:
a)      flue
b)      tuberculosis
c)      cancer
d)     heart disease
4)      Their room was painted:
a)      white
b)      yellow
c)      pink
d)     blue
5)      At the funeral, Grandpa:
a)      sang a lullaby
b)      recited a poem
c)      told a sad story
d)     prayed near his wife’s body
6)      “Shmily” means:
a)      order to smile
b)      encoded love message
c)      small and shy
d)     nickname of a person
1.      a) 5; b) 7; c) 12; d) 2; e) 13; f) 10; g) 3; h) 6; i) 4; j)11; k) 9; l) 8; m) 1.
2.      1) goal; 2) shmily; 3) surprise; 4) fingers; 5) dew; 6) steam; 7) mirror; 8) pop up; 9) cute; 10) handsome; 11) breast; 12) cancer; 13) dreaded; 14) scrawled; 15) funeral; 16) tender; 17) lullaby.
3.      1) – (for over half a century); 2) – (stuffed into shoes and left under pillows); 3) +; 4+; 5) – (before every meal); 6) – (for a while, he would go to church alone); 7) – (the narrator understood); 8) +; 9) +.
4.      1) d; 2) c; 3) c; 4) b; 5) a; 6) b.

X.    Match the English proverbs with their Russian equivalents

1. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
a) Разлука заставляет сердце любить сильнее.
2. A hedge between keeps friendship green.
b) Реже видишь – больше любишь.
3. Beauty lies in lover’s eyes.
c) Не красивая красива, а любимая.
4. Jack is no judge of Jills beauty.
d) Не в красоте ценность человека.
5. Beauty is only skin deep.
e) Красота только на поверхности.
6.Beauty dies and fades away but ugly holds its own.
f) Снаружи красота, а внутри пустота.
7. Love me, love my dog.
g) Любишь меня, люби мои привычки.
8. It is not the gay goat that makes the gentleman.
h) По внешнему виду нельзя судить.
9. Evil communication corrupt good manners.
i) Дурное окружение портит хорошие манеры.
10 True love never runs smooth.
j) Любовь никогда не бывает без грусти.
11. Forbidden fruit is sweet.
k) Запретный плод сладок.
12. Old friends and old wine are the best.
l) Старая любовь не ржавеет.
13. Old love doesn’t rust.
m) Старый друг лучше новых двух.
14. The heart that ones truly loves never forgets.
n) Женился на скорую руку да на долгую муку.
15. Hastly love is soon hot and soon cold.
o) Жизнь прожить не поле перейти.
16. Life is not all cakes and ale.
p) Жизнь не ложе из цветов.
17. Life is not a bed of roses.
q) Любовь побеждает все.
18. Love conquers all.
r) Любовь слепа.
19. Love makes the world go round.
s) Все справедливо в любви и на войне.
20. All is fair in love and war.
t) Любовь и ненависть оправдывают все поступки.
21. Marriages are made in Heaven.
u) Браки совершаются на небесах.

VI. Summing-Up.
Demo Lesson

Topic: Love. Marriage.

-          developing students’ language skills, to expand their vocabulary;
-          forming students’ habits of communication according to the given situation;
-          to motivate students in expressing their opinions on the problems under discussing;
-          to develop listening and speaking skills and imagination;
-          teaching to understand and respect other people’s feelings and realize the importance of love in our lives.

Equipment: O.D. Karpiuk. English Study, 11th Form; quotations about love and marriage; a tape-recorder, music and songs tapes; handouts; portrait of M.Mendelssohn.

Plan of the Lesson

I. Greeting (2 min.)
II. Warming-up (6 min.)
III. Discussing of proverbs and quotations about love (5 min.)
     IV. Group Work (8 min.)
     V. Listening Comprehension (6 min.)
     VI. Icebreaker (Filling Questionnaires) (6 min.)
     VII. Reading Comprehension (6 min.)
     VIII. Brainstorming. Creating a mind map (3min.)
      IX. Summing-up (3 min.)

Procedure of the Lesson

I. Greeting.

      II. Warming-up activity.

      T.: Children, you will listen to the song now. Try to guess what we are going to talk about during the lesson. (Listening to the song “My Heart Will Go On” by Selin Dion).

My Heart Will Go On

Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you
That is how I know you go on.
Far across the distance
and spaces between us
You have come to show you go on.
Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more, you opened the door
And you’re here in my heart,
And my heart will go on and on.
Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never let go till we’re gone.
Love was when I loved you,
One true time to hold on to
In my life we’ll always go on.
Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more, you opened the door
And you’re here in my heart,
And my heart will go on and on.
You’re here, there’s nothing I fear
And I know that my heart will go on
We’ll stay, forever this way
You are safe in my heart
and my heart will go on and on.

      T.: Now, tell me, what do you think about when you listen to this song? So, today at our lesson we shall speak about love and marriage. To your opinion, what is “love”? Can you give your own definition of love? How can you characterize this feeling?
      P1: Love is the most mysterious feeling people have ever cherished.
      P2: There is no language able to fully express the real meaning of this word. Love fills our life with beauty, joy and light.
      P3: Love is a magic feeling. It makes people better, stronger and kinder.
      P4: Love is a bright feeling. If you feel the sunshine and warmth from every side you definitely know that you love and you are loved.

 III. Discussing of proverbs and quotations about love.

      T.: Now look at the blackboard. You see some quotations about love, about marriage. Let’s discuss them. Explain me how you understand their meaning.
1. Where there is love, there is life. (Mahatma Gandhi).
2. Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery).
3. The course of true love never did run smooth. (William Shakespeare).
4. Without love, the world itself would not survive. (Lope de Vega).
5. The family is one of nature’s masterpieces. (G. Santayana).
6. Marriage is the greatest earthy happiness when founded on complete sympathy.
 (B. Disraeli).
7. Marriage is like life in this – that it is a field of battle, and not a bed of roses.
(R. L. Stevenson).

    IV. Group Work

      T.: Now, children! I’d like to discuss with you attitudes to being in love. How would you complete the sentence “Being in love…?” You will work in groups with the HO and put definitions 1 to 16 into categories: cynical, romantic, realistic. Decide which category the definitions of being in love fall into and write the numbers. Then we’ll discuss your opinions. (Pupils work in small groups).


  1. … is more like being on a battlefield than in a bed of roses.
  2. … is all you need.
  3. … makes you suffer.
  4. … makes you lose control.
  5. … is bad for your health.
  6. … is only for young people.
  7. … is better than having all money in the world.
  8. … means wedding rings.
  9. … quickly changes to habit
  10.  … is like being on a roller-coaster – one minute you’re high and the next minute you’re very low.
  11.  … is the strongest emotion you will ever feel.
  12.  … is painful.
  13.  … is playing a fool’s game.
  14.  … is hearts and flowers.
  15.  … is the chocolate sauce on the vanilla ice-cream of life – without it, life is nice but not delicious.
  16.  … distracts you from the more important things in life.


  T.: Now let us compare our worksheets. So, groups, you may agree or disagree with your classmates using such functional exponents as: Our group simply doesn’t agree… or We are afraid we have to disagree…Or use the following structure: Group A thinks that “being in love makes you smile” is romantic, but we think it is realistic.

V. Listening Comprehension
Pre-Listening Tasks
T.: Before listening to the story “True Love” I want to attract your attention to some words which may appear unknown to you:
-          hunchback – a person with a back misshaped by a round lump;
-          merchant – a person who buys and sells goods;
-          misshapen – badly or wrongly shaped or formed;
-          humpbacked – having a hump on your back;

3.      First of all I want you to define what true love is.

4.      Now try to guess what the story can be about.
(Listening to the text “True Love”. The pupils listen to it with the accompaniment of the “Wedding March” by F. Mendelssohn).

      Moses Mendelssohn, the grandfather of the well-known German composer, was far from being handsome. Along with a rather short stature, he had grotesque hunchback.
       One day he visited a merchant in Hamburg who had a lovely daughter named Frumtje. Moses fell hopelessly in love with her. But Frumtje was repulsed by his misshapen appearance.
       When time came for him to leave, Moses gathered his courage and climbed the stairs to her room to take one last opportunity to speak with her. She was a vision of heavenly beauty, but caused him deep sadness by her refusal to look at him. After several attempts at starting a conversation, Moses shyly asked, “Do you believe marriages are made in heaven?”
       “Yes”, she answered, still looking at the floor. “And do you?”
       “Yes, I do”, he replied. “You see, in heaven at the birth of each boy, the Lord announces which girl he will marry. When I was born, my future wife was pointed out to me. Then the Lord added, ‘But your wife will be humpbacked’”.
       “Right then and there I called out, ‘Oh, Lord, a humpbacked woman will be a tragedy. Please, Lord, give me the hump and let her be beautiful’”.
       Then Frumtje looked into his eyes and was stirred by some deep memory. She reached out and gave Mendelssohn her hand and later became his devoted wife.
Barry and Joyce Vissell

Post-listening Task

      T.: Now answer the following questions:
5.      Is ugly appearance a tragedy for a person? Who suffers more: males or females? Why?
6.      Do love and happiness always come to the beautiful and handsome?
7.      Was Moses right in acting like that? Why did the young woman accept his proposal?
8.      Is it easier for a man or woman if they are far from being handsome to get married? Why?

VI. Icebreaker (Filling Questionnaires)

T.: And now everyone should ask as many classmates as possible to complete the questionnaire. Then you should comment on the results. You have two minutes. (Every student gets a questionnaire, and then they go around the class taking and giving interviews. Then students report the results).


The name of the pupil
1. Which age is better for marriage:

a) from 18 to 20

b) from 21 to 25


2. Do you want to marry in a religious rite?

3. Do you prefer a marriage of convenience?

4. Do you think a love match is the best?

5. How many children are you going to have?

1 child-2
2 children-1

VII. Reading Comprehension (6 min.)

Pre-Reading Task
      T.: Before reading to the text answer such my questions:
1) What do you think: Is an arranged marriage better and more stolid than a love match? Why? Why not?
2) Who should be the first to make a proposal: a man or a woman? Explain your answer.


      Many years ago a merchant found himself in debt to a moneylender, a cruel unpleasant man. The merchant had only one child, a daughter, whom he loved dearly. One day the moneylender came to the merchant with an ultimatum – either the merchant should pay his debts, go to debtors’ prison, or permit the moneylender to marry his daughter.
       Realising that both the merchant and his daughter were horrified at the idea, the moneylender invited them both to walk with him along a gravel path to discuss the matter. Here he proposed that fate should decide the issue.
       “I shall take two pebbles, one black and another - white”, he said, bending to pick up two stones. “I shall drop them both in this bag. And then, if your daughter agrees, she will pick one of the stones from the bag without looking. If she picks out the white one, I shall forgive all of your debts, and you and your daughter will never see me again. However, if she picks out the black stone, your daughter is mine”.
      The merchant’s daughter was distraught. She did not trust the moneylender. She was almost sure that he had put two black stones in the bag. The situation was desperate. What should she do?
      (The “correct” answer is that the daughter put her hand in the bag, withdrew a stone, and dropped it “accidentally” on the gravel path. “I’m sorry”, she cried, “but you can tell the stone I chose by the colour of the one remaining in the bag”).
 Post-reading Tasks
  1. Are the sentences true (+) or false (-)?
11)  A merchant found himself in debt to a respectable, pleasant man. (-)
12)  The moneylender’s ultimatum was either pay the debt, go to debtor’s prison or permit him to marry the merchant’s daughter. (+)
13)  The moneylender invited the merchant and his daughter to walk with him along a gravel beach. (-)
14)  He proposed to drop 2 black pebbles into the bag. (-)
15)  There were two white pebbles in the bag. (-)
16)   If the daughter picked out the marked pebble, she would belong to the moneylender. (-)
17)  The young girl was distraught. (+)
18)  She was almost sure that he had put two black stones in the bag. (+)
19)  She refused to pick out the pebble from the bag. (-)
10) She picked out a black pebble. (-)

     VIII. Brainstorming. Creating a mind map

      T.: So, now, children, let’s create our mind map with the help of the method “brainstorming”. Please, tell me, what the word “marriage” is associated with.
(Brainstorming. Creating a mind map)
IX. Summing-up

      T.: To sum up the results of our work today, I’d like to recite you such a poem:


Some find Love late, some find it soon,
Some with the rose in May,
Some with the nightingale in June,
And some when skies are grey;
Love comes to some with smiling eyes,
And comes with tears to some;
For some Love sings, for some Love sighs,
For some Love’s lips are dumb.
How will you come to me, fair Love?
Will you come late or soon?
With sad or smiling skies above,
By light of sun or moon?
Will you be sad, will you be sweet,
Sing, sigh, Love or be dumb?
Will it be summer when we meet,
Or autumn when you come?
(Pakenham Beatty)
      T.: So, children, I wish your love to be sweet and light, to be happy and returned. I think, our today’s lesson was rather fruitful for everyone. Thank you very much for such a great job! You will get such marks … Now you have deep knowledge concerning love and marriage. I believe you will be happy in your future life. I wish you and your families real true love and harmony because where there is love, there is life!

Additional Materials
to the Topic “Love. Marriage”

I. Read the text and do the tasks below:

Bricked up love
      Once, going around his possessions, the owner of the Klevan castle, Prince Yuriy Chartoryis’kyi, saw in the village of Dereviane a very beautiful girl Oksana. Being carried away by the beauty the voluptuous magnate ordered his hayducks to seize her insidiously and carry into his luxuriant chambers. But the proud girl ignored the magnate’s courting and stayed in the landowner’s house refusing even to eat.
      The Prince’s servants found out that Oksana was fond of Vasyl, the village lad: they were going to marry in autumn. It extremely infuriated the landowner and he decided to revenge severely. So, as if by the way, he wondered why Oksana who loved her groom so deeply could not hasten the wedding. He wanted to see Oksana happy, he said, and would spare nothing for her.
      And so the newly married couple stepped onto the wedding rushnyk. The church was overcrowded; the church chorus was singing, wax candles were twinkling. But all this didn’t make Oksana happy. Her face was pale, her lips turned blue, and deep sadness was hidden in her eyes. The maiden’s heart prompted her: the Prince had conceived some evil. After the wedding when Vasyl and Oksana were leaving the church, the magnate’s hayducks attacked them suddenly, dragged to the cart, whipped the horses and rushed to the castle.
      In the magnate’s house the musicians played and cheerful songs sounded. To accompaniment of that music and laughter of drunken blackguards, the hayducks threw the newly married couple into the gloomy dungeon and bricked up alive.
      Since then people damned the hated castle of the Chartoryis’ky princes. And when somebody was passing by, they crossed themselves thrice without fail, whispered a pray and as quickly as possible passed the fence under which Oksana’s and Vasyl’s hearts smoldered to ashes.

Comprehension tasks
             I.      Vocabulary:
bricked up – замурований;
wax – восковий;
to be carried away – бути захопленим;
to gratify – тішити ;
voluptuous – хтивий;
to prompt – підказувати;  
insidiously – підступно;
to conceive – замислити;
luxuriant – розкішний;
a cart – віз;
chambers – покої;
to whip – вперіщити(батогом);
courting – залицяння;
a blackguard -  мерзотник;
to infuriate – розлютити;
a dungeon – підземелля;
severely – жорстоко;
without fail – неодмінно;
to hasten – прискорювати;
to smolder to ashes - зотліти;
to spare – шкодувати ;

          II.      Ask the questions to get the following answers:

1. The Prince’s servants found out that Oksana was fond of Vasyl, the village lad.
2. It extremely infuriated the landowner and he decided to revenge severely.
3. The church was overcrowded, the church chorus was singing.
4. In the magnate’s house the musicians played and cheerful songs sounded.

       III.      Choose the correct answer:

1.  In what castle did the events happen?
  1. the Chernihiv castle;
  2. the Klevan castle;
  3. the Rivne castle;
2.  How did Oksana react to the magnate’s courting?
a.      ignored it;
b.      accepted it;
c.       forgot it;
3.  Who found out that Oksana was fond of Vasyl?
  1. the Prince himself;
  2. Oksana’s mother;
  3. the Prince’s servants;
4.  What was happening in the Prince’s house?
a.      his servants played cards;
b.      the Prince and his people danced;
c.       the musicians played;

     IV.      Fill in the blanks:

1.  Once, going around his possessions, owner of the Klevan castle, the Prince Yuriy Chartoryis’kyi, saw ….
2.  But the proud girl ignored … and stayed in the landowner’s house ….
3.  As the Prince said he wanted to see Oksana … and would spare ….
4.  After the wedding when Vasyl and Oksana were leaving the church ….

II. Love Hearts

In Britain you can buy sweets called “Love Hearts”. On each sweet there is a message, such as “I love you” or “You are cute”. Can you work out these valentine messages?
      1. You’re santictaf (fantastic).
      2. You’re my erut vole (true love).
      3. What’s your peric orf elvo? (price for love)
      4. You’re like a lewfor (flower).
      5. It’s your nachec rfo macrone (chance for romance).
      6. I ramde of you (dream).
      7. Please go uto twih em (out with me).
      8. You kloo dogo (look good).

III. Romantic Quiz.

Romantic quiz
Now try this romantic word quiz. Read each clue, form a new  word by changing 2 letters each time. 

      Belonging to me
1. To … a promise

2. A lot of countable things

3. To refuse to admit something

4. Past tense of “to go”

5. Went away

6. You don’t know where you are  

7. A romantic red flower

8. To fall in …

Keys: 1) make; 2) many; 3) deny; 4) went; 5) left; 6) lost; 7) rose; 8) love.

IV. Read the text and do the tasks below:

      When Clifford met Annie, they found one thing in common. They both love lists. So together they have written the ultimate list, a list of rules for their marriage. This prenuptial agreement itemizes every detail of their lives together. Timothy Laurence met them in Florida in the apartment that they share.
      The living room is neat and tidy, with a dining table already laid for a meal that has yet to be cooked. All the ingredients for the meal are in the kitchen, prepared, weighed, and waiting in a line. It is his turn to cook. Annie is chatting over a cup of coffee by the pristine kitchen bar when her fiancé pours himself a cup and joins her. He touches her arm. She tenses, looks at him anxiously, and asks, “Oh, sorry. Did I say something wrong?”
      “No. no. I was just showing affection”, Clifford explains ponderously.
      “Oh, I see”, says Annie.
      His hand returns to her arm, and this time she relaxes. It is significant moment, because spontaneity is not at the heart of this relationship. Love, for Clifford and Annie, means following a book of rules.
      They have become curiously famous since details of their prenuptial contract were publicised. They wanted a legal contract, signed and witnessed by lawyers. Their agreement is intended to regulate the chaotic heart, and smooth the path of true love before the journey of marriage has begun. They are getting married in six months’ time. “The ceremony will last twenty minutes. The reception will be held in a restaurant on Miami Beach. We will invite a total of twenty guests each, who will be served two drinks, one of which may be alcoholic”.
      So what are some of the other rules that will lead to married bliss?
-          Once we are married, we will each receive an allowance of $ 70 per week to cover haircuts, eating out, gifts for friends, and spending money.
-          We won’t raise our voices at each other. If we get angry, we will count to 10 and take a deep breath.
-          We will not use tobacco products.
-          We will go to bed and turn out the lights by 11.30 p.m.
-          Family leadership and decision-making will be Clifford’s responsibility. Annie will make decisions in emergencies and when Clifford is not available.
-          We will buy unleaded fuel, and we won’t let the fuel gauge get lower than half a tank.
      If any of these rules are broken, a fine will have to be paid out of personal savings.
      Everyone wants to know whether they are the saviours of modern marriage, or the butchers of romance. “Did we put anything in the contract about love?” asks Annie, a little uncertainly. “I think so”, says Clifford. Ah. Yes, they did: “We will provide unconditional love and fulfill each other’s basic needs”. Oh, good. So that’s all right then.
      Their prenuptial contact is a response to uncertainty, and a plan for emotional and financial security for the future. At 39, Clifford has been through two divorces and two sons. Annie, 31, was married briefly and disastrously in her early twenties. As Clifford likes to point put, the divorce rate for first-time marriage is now 54%. “Nobody plans to fail”, he says, “but a lot of people fail to plan. I’m going to write a book about our experience of a fully planned and programmed marriage. I just know that it will be a bestseller”.
      With so much romance in the air, their relationship deepened, and as the weeks passed, they began to make lists of increasingly personal concerns. From the start, they agreed that the big marriage breakers were money, behaviour and children. Nothing is going to make this marriage go wrong”, says Clifford. “Everything has already been planned”.
      “In five years, we will have moved from our present address, and we will be living in a beach house overlooking the ocean”.
      Annie sees their arrangements slightly differently. For her, the prenuptial contract was a way of getting to know Clifford – a kind of courtship, just probing and asking questions. “If we don’t like and respect each other, this union won’t last”. She liked what she found, including a mutual fondness for lists.
      “I’d made a list of what I wanted in a man, what I liked, and what was unacceptable. I had prayed to God to find a man like my father, only 30 years younger”.
      She is very keen to have children, but Clifford admits to “having problems” with the prospect of more kids, more college fees. Their contract states: “We will not start a family for the first two years of our marriage”. “So I’ll be pregnant in three years”, Annie says, and then pauses. “No, sooner than that. I’ll be pregnant in 30 months”.
      Such is the wild intensity of passion in the heart of Florida.

Post-reading Task
1. Answer the questions:
-          What are your impressions of Clifford and Annie?
-          Which of following words best describe your opinion of them? Why? (sensible, weird, ridiculous, romantic, spontaneous, easy-going, warm and loving, cold and calculating, unbelievable)
-          Do you think their marriage will last?
-          How many of their rules can you remember?
-          Find some things that Annie and Clifford have in common, and some things that they don’t have in common.
-          Annie and Clifford say that marriage fails because of arguments about money, behaviour and children. Which of their rules refer to these three things?
-          Are Annie and Clifford “the saviours of modern marriage or the butchers of romance”?
-          Is it possible to “regulate the chaotic heart and smooth the path of true love”?
-          Do you think the best couples are of a similar age and background?
-          Do you think the best couples have similar characters and interest?
-          Who makes the decisions in your house?

2. Are the following statements true or false?
1.      Clifford does all the cooking.
2.      He prepares everything very carefully.
3.      Their apartment looks messy but comfortable.
4.      Annie misunderstands why Clifford touches her.
5.      They want the contract to ensure an uncomplicated divorce if they split up.
6.      Their will be no alcohol at their wedding.
7.      If any of the rules are broken, they will divorce immediately.
8.      Clifford has no doubts that both his book and his marriage will be successful.
9.      On their first date, Clifford took Annie out to a dance.
10.  Annie had no idea what her perfect man would like until she met Clifford.
Discuss the following with a partner:
      In a wedding ceremony in your country, what are the wedding vows that a man and a woman traditionally exchange? What commitments do they make? What is the divorce rate in your country?
Have the marriages of any rich and famous people been in the news recently?
Many film stars now have prenuptial agreements. What are these?
Why do people need them?

V. Test “How Romantic Are You?”

      Do you think St. Valentine’s Day is a chance for romance or just an excuse for buying pointless presents?
  1. According to the tradition of St Valentine’s Day, the first person you see on St Valentine’s Day should be your Valentine. What would you do on Valentine’s morning?
a) Stay in your room with your door locked and curtains closed until your true love arrived?
b) Nothing, just get up as usual.
c) Get up early, go into the town centre and wait for rush hour.
  1. There are many presents which celebrate love and marriage. Which do you find most romantic?
a) A huge box of chocolates in heart-shaped silk box.
b) A dream pillow that is filled with herbs and flowers to stimulate and enhance dreams and make special memories.
c) A photo of yourself.
  1. Celebrity romance is always popular. Which wedding brought tears to your eyes?
a) Michael Jackson to his nurse.
b) Miss Piggy to Kermit the Frog in the Muppet Movie The Muppets Take Manhattan.
c) The Sleeping Beauty to the Handsome Prince.
  1. You’re cooking a romantic Valentine’s meal for your true love. Which recipe book do you buy?
a) Fat Free and Healthy Meals (includes calorie count and nutritional analysis)
b) Cheap, Cheerful and Quick Cookery Comer (all recipes cost less than £1 and can be prepared in under 10 minutes)
c) Fantastic Food (special easy-to-cook recipes from Europe’s top-class restaurants).
  1. Make St Valentine’s Day extra special and choose one of the following tips for added romance.
a) Pay for your boyfriend or girlfriend to spend a day at a beauty salon being made glamorous to show up in public with you.
b) Plan three different days out, write the details down and put them in envelopes. Ask your boyfriend or girlfriend to pick one envelope.
c) Sing your favourite love song to your boyfriend or girlfriend in front of a large crowd of friends.
      6. Flowers are always linked with romance. Which of the following flowers    would you give to your Valentine or would you like to receive?
      a) A single red rose, displayed in silk box.
      b) A bunch of delicate flowers that were grown by yourself or your Valentine.
      c) A huge bouquet of flowers that was found in the bins at the back of a hotel. (Well, it’s the thought that counts).

Add up the scores and read the analysis.
1) a-3, b-2, c-1                         4) a-2, b-1, c-3
2) a-2, b-3, c-1                         5) a-1, b-3, c-2
3) a-1, b-2, c-3                         6) a-2, b-3, c-1

How Romantic are you?
13-18: You are very romantic and you want to make sure that your loved one gets special treatment. You could be the world’s most perfect Valentine! You are sensitive, although you are also a bit predictable and like to give traditional and expensive gifts that you hope will be remembered for ever. 
7-12: You are certainly quite romantic, but you tend to be practical and a little bit different in your approach to romance, being more personal and less traditional. You are not always predictable, and like to celebrate your relationship in quite unusual ways. You’ll certainly keep romance alive in your relationship.
1-6: Oh dear. Either you don’t have any idea about romance or you don’t have a single romantic bone in your body and are cooler than a competitor at the Winner X-Games! You are selfish with your emotions and your cash, and you prefer yourself to be the centre of attention. The only person you love is yourself!

VI. Valentine’s Day Word Search


Clue: Candy, card, chocolate, cuddle, flowers, friend, heart, hugs, kisses live, roses, smooch, snuggle.

VII. Word Creation
 How many different words can you make from the word “Valentine’s Day”.
3 words: ant, den, let, lid, lie, net, sea, see, sin, sit, tan, tea, ten, tie, tin, van, vet, yen, yes, yet.
4 words: date, dent, dial, dine, land, lane, late, lend, lent, nail, neat, said, sail, salt, sand, sent, site, snit, stay, teen, tend, tile, tiny, vain, vast, veil, vent,  vest, vial, vile, vine.
5 words: saint, slain, staid, stain, steal, stein, stile, style.
6 words: denial, detail.

VIII. A Good Wife or Husband

1.1. What qualities do you look for in a wife or husband? Here is a list of 21 good qualities.
       Read the list carefully, then write down the number of the qualities that you find most important, less important and least important in a wife (if you are a man) or a husband (if you are a woman).
       In other words, rearrange the list in the order of importance, starting out with the quality that you find most important.
1. A) ambitious
12. C) sociable
2. B) cheerful
13. A) clever
3. C) reliable
14. B) sexy
4. A) generous
15. C) honest
5. B) kind and sweet
16. A) strong
6. C) rich
17. B) younger than you
7. A) gentle
18. C) faithful
8. B) modest
19. A) intelligent
9. C) hard-working
20. B) pretty or handsome
10. A) educated
21. C) polite
11. B) charming

1.2. Here is a list of twelve bad qualities you wouldn’t like to have in your wife or husband.
       Rearrange the order of the qualities, now starting out of the quality that you would most hate to have in your wife or husband going on to the bad qualities that would bother you less.
       Finish with the one that would bother you least.

1. A) mean over money matters
7. A) uneducated
2. B) talkative
8. B) careless
3. C) nervous
9. C) unfaithful
4. A) childish
10. A) weak
5. B) untidy
11. B) plain
6. C) boring
12. C) lazy

1.3. Now you’ll have to do sums. See how many “A” qualities you had in the first 7 “good qualities” and the first 4 “bad qualities”. Add, to this, the number of “B” qualities in the last seven “good qualities” and the four last “bad qualities”. You get a number.
        And now the other way round. Find how many “B”s there are in the first seven “good” and first four “bad” qualities and to this add the number of the “A” qualities in the last seven “good” and last four “bad” qualities. You needn’t count the “C” qualities.

Список використаної літератури:

1. Англійська мова та література. – 2009. - № 4.
2. Англійська мова та література. – 2010. - № 4.
3. Дайджест для тих, хто вивчає англійську мову. – 1995. – № 3.
4. Дайджест для тих, хто вивчає англійську мову. – 1996. - № 3.
5. Дайджест для тих, хто вивчає англійську мову. – 1999. - № 3.
6. Дайджест для тих, хто вивчає англійську мову. – 2001. - № 4.
7. Дайджест для тих, хто вивчає англійську мову. – 2003. - № 3.
8. Зайковскі С. А. Англійська мова. 100 текстів і завдань для аудіювання, читання та усного мовлення. – Богдан,2006. – 144 с.
9. Карпюк О. Д. Підручник для 11 класу шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови. – 2001. – 160 с.


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